Getting My Grocery Budget Back On Track

by Monday, May 18, 2020

I hope everyone is doing well and beginning to start return to some normal activities. Depending on where you live that may differ from state to state. I myself am very grateful to see this pandemic easing a bit. I live in NJ so the opportunity for any relief is welcomed. One of the areas I am hoping to get back to normal is my food budget. My food budget has been out of control during the last three months. I have offset that both mentally and monetarily knowing I was saving money on our eating out budget, gas budget and kids activities but that doesn’t mean I want to continue to spend crazy amounts of money on food. But looking back there were four main areas I see that caused my food budget to blow up.

1. In the beginning of March, with the concerns about the unknown circumstances we were going to be living in, we shopped WAY more that we ever have. By the third week in March we had already tripled our monthly grocery budget

2. I usually shop the grocery sale circulars. I see what is on sale, match my coupons to those items where I can and go from there. We were not able to do that at all over the last few months. I had to limit my shopping to one store based on the amount of inventory. Most stores had limited sale circulars if any and coupons were scarce.

3. My husband saw the impact of this pandemic way before I did. He, who usually does not grocery shop very often, was on fire. He contributed to our early grocery stock up in March with several shopping trips. He also has continued to online shop over the last months at, Ebay, Amazon and Omaha Steaks. He didn’t take time to take a very good inventory or meal plan either.

4. As I said in my last Youtube video, I had not been to a grocery store since mid-March and still haven’t been. Any grocery shopping I have done has been online and from local farms via curbside pickup. Prices were higher. There was no price comparisons going on. Plus substitutions were made for out of stock items which in most cases cost more.

But I am ready to take control back!

Here are 6 things I plan on doing to get our budget back on track

1. I am going to start physically going back into stores myself. I will maintain all social distancing practices and wear appropriate face coverings. But inventories are better and I need to purchase some items that no online shopping has been able to get for me .

2. To maximize your savings, it is important that you buy what is seasonally on sale. If you are interested in more specifics on seasonal items see my blog post about what I but in the month of August.

3. I am going to try and stack coupons with store sales by utilizing store circulars to maximize savings. Looking for coupons? Look at my links for printable ones on the top of this page. Also, check some of my previous posts for coupons on make-up and beauty supplies, pet items and allergy care.

4. I am going to limit my online shopping to those items which are truly good deals. No more panic shopping.

5. I am going to slowly start to rebuild our stockpile. We were fortunate to have a stockpile of groceries before March (see video for some tours) and then really beefed it up in the beginning of March. Now by using coupons and stacking them with store sales where possible as well as buying seasonal sale items, we can sensibly begin to rebuild our stockpile.

6. I am really hoping to start and use my grocery apps again which really help save me money. Ibotta, Checkout 51, Saving Star, Shopkicks and Fetch Rewards are my go to’s and really impact my grocery savings.

7. Lastly, DO NOT head to the grocery store without a plan! Have your list in hand. Need a head start? Grab this grocery list FREEBIE!

Want to see some of my stockpile?

Stockpile Mid March 2020

This post contains affiliate links but all opinions are my own.

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16 Responses
  • Olivia
    May 18, 2020

    Love this post! Super helpful

    • Sonia
      May 21, 2020

      It’s so important to be mindful of grocery shopping. Luckily, I hate shopping so I really only do it when necessary and I don’t buy food I don’t consume. Though I’m sometimes guilty of buying food I think I will consume and then it doesn’t happen. A bit of waste, but still under control. I live on my own, so it’s easier and I also heed less is more mantra. So I just try to always buy only the essentials. Thanks for the post. Keep it up.

        May 21, 2020

        Sounds like you have a good plan for grocery spending in place.

  • Karen | Online Blog & Business Help
    May 18, 2020

    Great ideas to get shopping budgets on track. I love the Checkout 51 App!

  • laurie Hanscom- harmon
    May 18, 2020

    Great list of ways to improve your grocery budget. I didn’t do too bad except I noticed some things seemed to take a major jump in price. I also need to get back to using my couponing and rebate apps on a regular basis.

      May 18, 2020

      The higher prices have been rough but we kind of had no choice.

  • LISA
    May 19, 2020

    I love Ibotta, as well as other similar rebate apps. Obviously the pennies you earn back on purchases aren’t going to make you rich, but it does help with saving! Also, I’ve noticed prices were higher lately, too. I feel like we are spending more on groceries due to eating more since we are all 4 at home (my kids usually get their breakfast and lunch at school), but the total is definitely adding up faster. Some great ideas for saving money here.

      May 19, 2020

      thank you

  • Lynnie
    May 20, 2020

    Impressive contents. Thank you for sharing.

  • Aimee
    May 20, 2020

    My grocery budget also exploded during social isolation. Thank you for sharing how you are getting back on track!

  • Esha
    May 20, 2020

    Great tipsl

  • Anna Mischio
    May 21, 2020

    I needed this! So good!

  • Astrid
    May 21, 2020

    Thanks for the tips. Our grocery bill has increased significantly since the lockdown. We’re constantly eating!

      May 21, 2020

      Same in our house!! Started hiding the snacks!

  • Maria
    May 22, 2020

    This article is so helpful. I write a similar post about how to get your personal finances in order. These days we need to take any opportunity and save as much as possible. The future is very uncertain.

      May 22, 2020

      Thanks! I just pinned your article!